Monday, October 26, 2015

FPJ 2016 Platform - Protect the People: Prosecute graft and corruption - Restore the honor and dignity of our men and women in uniform

        To protect the people from those who steal and commit crime, we need to strengthen the men and women in uniform. No one person, can solve crime and lawlessness.  Breakdown in law and order is a failure of law enforcement.  A weak and demoralized law enforcement force can not protect the people as intended.
Our hope is that the when the men and women in uniform will leave the force, they will have the training and discipline to take their place in the private sector as managers, engineers, lawyers, public servants, businessmen, politicians, etc and succeed in any endeavor they want to pursue.  We want them to be successful in their professions and in their family life.

FPJ 2016 Platform - Universal Home Ownership: Build and sell at cost with little or no down payment

FPJ 2016 Platform: Universal Home Ownership 

Universal home ownership is a failed program in the Philippines. Even among the 1.3 million BPO workers, affordable home ownership close to the work centers is generally not available. In Cebu alone there are over 100,000 BPO employees for whom home ownership remain a distant dream.

FPJ 2016 Platform: Decriminalize Prostitution - Shift criminal liability to clients and exploiters

FPJ 2016 Platform - For Political Justice

Women At Risk - Decriminalize Prostitution : Shift criminal liability to clients and exploiters (pimps, traffickers & establishment owners)

FPJ 2016 Platform - For Political Justice
Empower Women At Risk - with home ownership, skills training & support services.

While there are many sectors and organizations that work hard for the protection of women and children, the efforts fall short and many temporary in nature.  What we need is something that will have long term effect that will empower women at risk and allow them to fully share in the benefits of a growing economy and at the same time free themselves from the chains of poverty and abuse.

Monday, October 19, 2015

FPJ 2016: On protecting the consumers, oligopoly market power and government regulators

FPJ 2016: On protecting the consumers, oligopoly market power and government regulators. Oligopolies can result from various forms of collusion which reduce competition and lead to higher prices for consumers.

There are persistent complaints about slow internet connection, poor services and comparably higher prices for connectivity compared to those offered in other leading ASEAN countries.

Another sticking point is the high cost of power and electricity the Philippines.  One question that comes to mind, is why is it that India was able to tender earlier this year 4 Gigawatt  of electricity from solar companies for and average of $0.08 /KwH while in the Philippines, electricity providers would not step up facilities unless they get a subsidized FIT rate of $0.22 / KwH.

When less than a dozen families control the banking, energy, telecommunications and 70% of the market cap of the top 300 companies in the Philippines, the responsibility of regulators to protect the consuming public takes it to higher level of significance.

FPJ 2016 Platform: On choosing Supreme Court Justices who will bring honor, dignity, strengthen the Judiciary and uphold the rule of law.

FPJ 2016 Platform: On choosing the next 11 Supreme Court Justices